30 Dec 2011

Loooooooooooong time!

Hiya everyone! So sorry for  not blogging in a while! Been so hectic with all the Christmas parties and then the Christmas shopping and then I just pretty much went into hibernation mode from eating so much!!! Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!

Okay, so quick Christmas party update! I've been left with such an ego boost! I found out that 5 guys (yes 5!!!!!) fancy me at work. Okay, we might all have been pretty drunk at the time but I'm just gonna take that one! lol! Nothing wrong with a little flattery, not matter how drunk the giver or recipient were.

One little confession though, there was a cheeky mistletoe-related kiss with one of said 5 people! It's so weird right, before this night, we'd always flirted but never anything serious and it kinda just upped itself a notch on the night. All in all, it was a great night! Considering how much we'd all had to drink (free bar - you know the drill...)

So glad I wasn't the girl who ended up being sick in the bathrooms though! I shudder to think of how awkward she felt the next time she had to go into the office. 

Anyway, I've decided I have to blog more frequently! I've been really bad with blogging lately and I'm gonna try to do it more frequently. No matter how brief it is. That's my New year resolution... that and eat less cake... and exercise more... and drink less... 

Later folks!

9 Dec 2011

Last Minute Lola

Finally time for the main office Christmas party! I've been running around like a headless chicken all day trying to find an outfit to wear! Is it sad that I took a day off to look for an outfit for an office Christmas party? Probably...lol! But I refuse to have a repeat of what happened last time I was invited to a formal event. For anyone who missed it, just carry on scrolling till you hit the next post. Plus, this is my first time attending this specific party so I wanna make a good impression... at least until I've had a few glasses of bubbly (or white wine... truth be told, I'm not fussed about which one I get, I just need to kick back and have fun tonight!).

I'm gonna have to catch you all on the goings on later. Right now, I'm taking a quick break and then I'm going to look for shoes now. How do I manage to leave things till the last minute? Aacck!!!
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